RAYSON GLOBAL CO., LTD provides a tracking number for all shipments. This will allow you to track the location of their purchase. With this tracking number, you can timely get the location of the goods and estimate the time of shipment conveniently. In the normal condition, our website will provide the relevant links for you to search for more information. If you have not received your tracking number by then, please contact us with the issue. We are here to help. We ensure spring mattress will reach you safely.
RAYSON is a reliable Chinese company that has achieved a stable and global success in designing and manufacturing luxury bonnell spring mattress . RAYSON's continuous spring mattress series include multiple types. Strict quality inspections are carried out before delivery to increase its qualification ratio. The USA advanced technology is adopted in manufacturing. The product easily adds chic even to the most simple space design. By presenting a contrast or perfect match, it makes space look stylish and harmonious. The product has passed USA CFR1633 & CFR 1632 and BS7177 & BS5852.
We inspire ourselves on values that reinforce cooperation and success. These values are embraced by each member of our company, and this makes our company so unique. Check now!