Since established, Foshan Rayson Non Woven Co., Ltd. aims to provide outstanding and impressive solutions for our customers. We have established our own R&D center for product design and product development. We strictly follow the standard quality control processes to ensure our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. In addition, we provide after-sales services for customers throughout the whole world. Customers who want to know more about our new product memory foam pillow australia or our company, just contact us.
Terry fabric is a soft type of fabric that is used in the making of a soft towel and wiping clothes used for a number of different applications. Terry fabric is used in different type of towel making and industrial applications of making rugs, carpets and other flooring carpets. Most of the high-quality towels are made up of terry fabric and are used in wiping clothes. It a fabric made up of 100% cotton to make nappies, tissues, and reusable baby wipes and cleaning agents. Terry fabric is used in making of cushion covers and covers for different types of pillow for providing a soft and relaxing texture that can be used in different rooms. So, if you’re looking for terry fabric manufacturers, Foshan Rayson Non Woven Co., Ltd. features the most trusted manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers of terry fabric near you. Simply check out the terry fabric range above and link with their wholesalers and manufacturers instantly. Our suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers guarantee the highest quality of terry fabric that you can buy in large quantity from them and at affordable prices.
Want to buy a bunch of top quality Pillow Case for your collection? Foshan Rayson Non Woven Co., Ltd. gets you the biggest selection of top quality Pillow Case, from the biggest manufacturers. Our selection consists of a large variety of all-purpose Pillow Case usable in various areas like at home, hotel, or hospital, or it can be used as a decorative. The Pillow Case in our range are made up of high-quality materials like 100% Cotton, 100% Polyester, 100% Silk, Polyester/Cotton, and 100% Polypropylene that brings additional comfort to the already soft pillows. Our featured cases are eco-friendly, non-toxic, waterproof, and disposable.We bring you a range of cases in different designs and patterns that are artistic and comfortable while resting your head. Our collection includes plain dyed, printed, embroidered, yarn dyed, and much more. Our Pillow Case come in various shapes as well, including oval, rectangle, and square.Foshan Rayson Non Woven Co., Ltd. is a perfect business to business platform for many suppliers and retailers. We’re committed to bring buyers and sellers to our exquisite trading solution, where they can unite and trade. With our quality monitoring system, we make sure to feature quality pillow covers for the consumers.
Down is a type of material that is round or spherical in shape. Depending on its quality, all downs are almost the same size. This natural round shape is what gives a down comforter, down pillow, or down feather beds its loft. The loft basically comes from a down cluster that constantly wants to return to its round shape. The more down clusters you use to make a pillow, usually represented in ounces, the stronger the pillow will be. Down feathers were commonly used by North Americans as powerful symbols or for religious ceremonies. For centuries, people around the world have used down feathers for insulation. In addition to the large down cluster that is of high quality, large down clusters also came from older birds. Smaller down clusters usually come from small, less mature birds. It's all about demand and supply. Large fill power down clusters is much more expensive because they are found few, and everyone wants the finest quality. And the bird has to be kept alive for a longer period to produce such high-quality is time-consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive. If you want to buy down feathers, Foshan Rayson Non Woven Co., Ltd. brings you a huge assortment of down feathers and their suppliers, manufacturers, and wholesalers near you. Check out the range above and get started.
The wool is a natural fiber that is obtained from the caprine (goat and, mainly, sheep), and of other animals like llamas, alpacas, guanacos, vicuñas or rabbits, using a process denominated shearing. It is used in the textile industry to make products such as bags, blankets, gloves, socks, sweaters, etc. Wool products are mostly used in cold areas because their use maintains body heat; this is due to the nature of the material’s fiber. A large number of sheep breeds and the variable influence of the animal's living conditions act on the characteristics of the wool. The classification of wool is made taking into account some characteristics, of which the most important are: fineness, length, regularity in the degree of curling and uniformity, strength and elongation, elasticity, flexibility, color, brightness, and performance. The world production of washed wool is about 2 million tons, with Australia, Argentina, Chile, China, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, New Zealand, South Africa and Uruguay being the main producers.
最近看了几个小规格石材产品的工程项目,展现的出来的装修效果非常好,给小编的启发很深,小编认为以前石材项目大规格尺寸设计的理念应该颠覆,建筑物装饰应该向石材产品小规格方向发展。 石材产品的设计长期以来,为了追求良好的装饰效果,大多数都是大尺寸,一个一平米以上,甚至两平米,甚至三平米以上的产品都是非常常见的。这么大规格的产品弊端很多,令石材生产企业的生产员工抱怨大,加工时难度大,存在着很大的安全隐患。 所以说实行小规格的石材生产,对行业未来的发展会很有好处,并且这样做对石材生产企业,对施工单位的都会有很多好处。 石材小规格产品装修实例图片 石材产品小规格的意义非常重大,请看以下分析 (1)提高石材出材率,节约石材资源 天然石材资源不再生,用之一份则少一份。珍惜天然石材资源是我们石材从业者的责任,也是建筑装饰企业的责任。石料产品在设计大规格时,对出材率有很大影响,如果设计的尺寸不符合要求,就有可能导致石料出材率低于50%。以一种大板规格2600*1650的尺寸为例,如果设计的尺寸为1300*1000,不考虑纹理要求,出材率为61%;如果尺寸设计为1000*900时,出材率为42%。 从这个例子可以看出,如果石材产品的设计尺寸过大,不合适,会对成品率产生很大的影响。 (2)降低石材生产企业和施工企业员工的劳动强度大尺寸的石材产品增加了石材生产企业和员工的劳动强度。特别是施工企业在施工现场没有机械化搬运设备或工具时,施工现场很多地方都是人工搬运。一个3平米20mm的石料板材重量至少150kg,没有3~4个员工合作几乎不可能搬动这么重的产品。 如果石材的产品都设计成小件的产品,石材生产企业的员工和施工企业的员工在生产加工和施工时轻而易举地就可以搬运、挪动产品,劳动强度大大降低了。 (3)减少石材生产企业和施工企业员工的安全风险大型石材产品难以搬运和移动,无疑增加了石材生产和施工企业员工的安全风险,更容易导致安全事故。 将石材产品设计成小规格尺寸,搬运、挪动方便,减少了石材生产企业和施工企业员工因搬运,挪动石材产品导致的安全事故,减少了员工的安全风险。 (4)提高石材生产企业和施工企业员工的工作效率石材产品越大,石材生产企业员工在加工产品时上,下料难度增加。有的产品大到非员工人力能完成时,员工只好借助行吊或其它设备来完成,增加了生产的各种辅助时间,生产的效率受到很大的影响。 (5)降低石材生产企业单位劳动力成本 石材产品越大,生产加工中的辅助时间和辅助人员的成本就越大。若将石材产品尺寸设计为一人可搬运,可移动,则可降低石材生产企业单位劳动成本,提高石材生产企业员工收入,降低企业劳动成本。 (6)增加建筑装饰面的立体感在石材建筑装饰上我们长期有种误区,以为设计的规格越大,分缝越小效果越好。这种错误的设计理念应该要得到纠正。实际上通过小块的石材产品以“工字型”,“一字型”,或其它的型式安装也好,创造出的立体感比大块石材更强烈,更有视觉冲击的效果。 地面用小块产品铺贴的效果非常好,有几何图案之美,水平和垂直交错的缝如同迷宫似的,散发着迷人的魔力,效果非常好。 希望国内能有更多的设计师有这种小规格理念,使石材资源在装饰美化建筑物的同时得到最大的利用。 文章链接来源
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